Presentations and public events

Selected peer-reviewed presentations

  • 2024. Sociotechnical process modelling in AI ethical assessment: Lessons from new mechanism and feminist theory. Twenty-ninth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. New Orleans, Louisiana USA. 15 November. (poster)

  • 2022. A structural microaggression concept for causal inquiry. Symposium on “New Directions in the Science of Structural Oppression” (co-organized with Morgan Thompson, Shen-yi Liao, Daniel James, Tereza Hendl, and Saana Jukola). Twenty-eighth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. 12 November.

  • 2021. How faculty of color digest the Honors experience in the ‘Belly of the Beast’. (Gooding, Frederick W., Jr., Mikio Akagi, Estee Hernandez, and Wendi Sierra). NCHC Virtual Roundtable. National Collegiate Honors Council. Online. 17 November.

  • 2021. Microaggressions and objectivity: Experimental measures and lived experience. (Akagi, Mikio and Frederick W. Gooding, Jr.). Twenty-seventh Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Baltimore, Maryland USA. 12 November.
    Pre-print archived at

  • 2019. Microaggressions and objectivity. (Akagi, Mikio and Frederick W. Gooding, Jr.). Socially Engaged Philosophy of Science in the Middle States, a conference hosted by the Mid-South Philosophy of Science Network. University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky USA. 29 March.

  • 2018. Representation re-construed: Answering the job description challenge with a construal-based notion of natural representation. Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Seattle, Washington USA. 02 November. (poster)
    Pre-print archived at

  • 2018. Representation re-construed: Construal-based norms for ascribing natural representation. Seventh Biennial Meeting of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice. Universiteit Gent. Ghent, Belgium. 30 June.

  • 2016. Parameterization as a framework for modeling contested scientific concepts. Twenty-fifth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Atlanta, Georgia USA. 04 November. (poster)

  • 2016. Cognition as the sensitive management of organismal behavior. Forty-second Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas USA. 01 June. (poster)

  • 2015. Characterizing cognition: Moving beyond the mark of the cognitive. Forty-first Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Duke University. Durham, North Carolina USA. 05 June.

  • 2014. Going against the grain: Functionalism and generalization in cognitive science. Twenty-fourth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Chicago, Illinois USA. 06 November.
    Pre-print archived at

  • 2014. Laying down the law: Substituting mechanism for functionalism. Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. 19 June. (poster)

  • 2013. Cognitive scientists are not computational functionalists. Fourth Biennial Meeting of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice. University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario Canada. 29 June.

  • 2013. Cognitive scientists are not computational functionalists. Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Austin, Texas USA. 28 February.

  • 2012. Phenomenal consciousness, conscious states, and the hard problem. Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology. University of Colorado, Boulder. Boulder, Colorado USA. 22 June. (poster)

Invited talks

  • 2021. Do mental illnesses have specific causes? Clinical Psychology Residency Didactic Series. Tripler Army Medical Center. Honolulu, Hawai‘i USA. 19 November.

  • 2021. Microaggressions in social explanation and individual phenomenology. Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. 17 September.

  • 2017. Modular explication in philosophy of medicine. Workshop on “Methods under the Microscope: Investigating Methodological Diversity in Philosophy.” University College Dublin. Dublin, Ireland. 27 October.

  • 2017. You say potato; I say parameterization: Modelling conceptual disagreement by tracking background commitments. Workshop on “Disagreement in Science and Beyond.” University College Dublin. Dublin, Ireland. 04 July.

  • 2016. A model of expert conceptual disagreement in cognitive science. Interdisciplinary workshop on “Explanatory Pluralism in Cognitive Science.” University College Dublin. Dublin, Ireland. 20 June.

  • 2014. Cognition as the sensitive management of behaviour. University of Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland. 07 March.

Selected campus talks

  • 2019. Microaggressions and objectivity (Akagi, Mikio and Frederick W. Gooding, Jr.). Interdisciplinary Works in Progress Series. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, Texas USA. 06 December.

  • 2018. What we think about when we think about minds. Frankenstein at 200: a Forum Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, Texas USA. 09 November.

  • 2016. Mastery-based assessment (for moderates). Some Helpful Advice Regarding Education, All Honors Faculty Meeting. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, Texas USA. 02 December.

Panel discussions

  • 2022. “Through My Eyes”: The Personal Stories of Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander Faculty, Staff, and Students at TCU. The Intercultural Center. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, Texas USA. 07 April.

  • 2021. Community panel. Chi Sigma Iota Symposium on “Social Justice in Counseling.” Antioch University Seattle. Seattle, Washington USA. 08 May.

Postponed due to COVID-19

  • Philosophy of science and interdisciplinary uptake. To be presented at Public Philosophy of Science, a conference hosted by the Mid-South Philosophy of Science Network. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia USA. 3–4 April, 2020.

  • Well-being and the foundations of the biological and social sciences. To be presented at the Fourth Ronald E. Moore Humanities Symposium. Texas Christian University. Fort Worth, Texas USA. 25–27 March, 2020.